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Frequently Asked Questions


Q.   What is the Tuesday Night Indoor League?

A.    It is an Indoor Men’s Doubles League that competes every Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m.


Q.   What is the format?

A.    4 players are assigned to each court and they play 3-sets of tennis.  One set with each player.  Players will spin racquets with the “odd” man furnishing the balls for the nights play.  If a sub is on the court, the sub will be responsible to furnish the balls.  3-playerswill then spin racquets with the odd man playing with the 4th player.  Players will then spin for serve.  At the end of the 1st set, either team can spin racquets to determine who their partner from the other team will be for the 2nd set.  Players cannot choose who their partners will be.  They must spin racquets.  The most games that a player can win in a set is “6” so if the set goes to 5-5, a 7-point tie-breaker will be played and the winning team will win the set by a score of 6-5.  Players will switch ends of court after every 4th game.   


Q.    I’d like to sign-up and play in the Fall session.  How do I do that?

A.    Do to the popularity of the League, there is a waiting list.     


Q.    How are players chosen off of the waiting list when there is an opening?  Does it go by…………….. who has been waiting the longest? As a 5.0 USTA rated player, will I be selected before a 4.5 rated player?

A.    An individual player’s USTA rating is a small part of the selection process.  Ability at doubles, current form and a players ability to get along with the other players are all important.  This League may very well have the most talented players around.  It is extremely competitive but the social aspects are very important too.  All of the above will be taken into consideration when there is an opening to be filled.  Having subbed in the league is very helpful too.  All players should be aware that in this League, you should be in great form.  This is NOT a League to be used to “play yourself into shape.”  Get yourself in shape and then apply.


Q.    In the Fall/Winter session, what determines a players placement into either the Blue or Black Group?  Can I sign up for the Black Group only?

A.    The Black Group was created for a group of players who all signed up at the time several years ago.  If there is an opening in the Group (even if only temporary) and one or two players are needed to fill out the roster, I, along with the Black Group Committee, will select the player(s) to be added to the Black Group roster.  Information to be considered include but are not limited to:


  • That player’s final standing in the previous sessions

  • That player’s results when placed on a court with Black Group players (or players of similar ability)

  • That player’s interaction with the other players on-court

  • That player’s desire to be moved into the Black Group


After taking the aforementioned into consideration, the list of qualified players will be submitted to the Black Group Committee and the final selection will be made.  Players should keep in mind that it is natural for a player to want to compete against the toughest players but it is a 2-WAY street.  The other players in the Black Group want the toughest competition available also.  A player should never take it personally if he requests and is not included in the Black Group.  This League has always placed the welfare of the League ahead of any individual player.  Any player who continually dominates the Blue Group will certainly attract attention but as everyone knows, the Blue Group is extremely tough.  There are more 5.0 players than 4.5 players and the 4.5 players, in my opinion, are 4.5+/5.0. 


Q.     What if I am a full-time player and I cannot make a Tuesday night?

A.     We have an extremely strong sub list.  If you know that you are going out of town or if you are not feeling well, DO NOT WAIT until Tuesday to call me (916-599-6370) and request a sub.  Be considerate and respect the players as well as those who run the league.  Give as much advance notice as you can if you need a sub.  This is YOUR League.  Please consider all those who are involved.


Q.    What if I can’t make it, can I get my own sub?

A.    No.  Every effort is made to provide a consistent level of play for all League members. 


Q.     What if I forget about Tuesday Night and don’t request a sub or show up?

A.   You will be dropped from the League and you League fees will NOT be refunded.  Extenuating circumstances may be considered but don’t count on it.  At a minimum, you will be suspended from the League for a “to be determined” number of weeks.


Q.    What if I’m late?

A.    Things happen and if you’re running a few minutes late, call the Indoor Center and let someone know that you are on your way and that you will be there in xxx number of minutes.  If this occurs more than one or two times per session, this League is probably not for you and you may be dropped from the League.  This is at the sole discretion of the League Coordinator and tennis committee.  If you are dropped from the League, your League fees will NOT be refunded.  SpareTime Indoor Tennis Center 916-635-5720


Q.    What about the $20.00 fee for the end of session “pizza party?”

A.    The bottom half of each group will pay a $20.00 “host/bottom feeder” fee to help off-set the cost of the session ending party.  If a rostered player does not play more than 50% of the Tuesday nights in a session, he/she will automatically be charged the $20.00 fee regardless of where that players finishes in the standings.  A player’s game score on the last night of play (pizza night) will NOT count towards whether or not he/she has to pay the $20.00 fee.  That determination will be made prior to the last night’s play.


This is NOT the entire set of rules for the Tuesday Night Indoor League and there may be situations that are not specifically addressed in the rules.  Please keep in mind that in ALL instances, the decision of the Tennis Coordinator of the League is final.  There is not an appeal process.  Signing up for and participating in the Tuesday Night Indoor League is every player’s acknowledgement and acceptance of the League Rules. 



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